Sunday, January 26, 2025

Matt 8:5 Καπερναουμ

Only a few manuscripts originating before the tenth century spell Capernaum as Καφαρναουμ in Matt 8:5 (ℵ B 0233 33 399*), but the spelling Καπερναουμ predominates in the manuscript tradition during the same period (C E K L M N S U V W X Γ Δ Θ Π Σ Ω 047 0211 f1 f13 f35 399c 461 565 566 892 1080 1143 1424 1500 2224) and afterwards. Although many editors preferred the minority spelling (e.g, Bover, Greeven, Lachmann, Merk, Soden, Tischendorf [7th, 8th], Vogels), it likely reflects an early attempt to mimic the widespread Romanized spelling Capharnaum or promote the more Semitic spelling that was familiar to those who knew Hebrew (e.g., Josephus, Origen). See also Matt 4:13 Καπερναουμ.

Saturday, January 4, 2025

Matt 8:5 εισελθοντι δε αυτω

Due to its infrequency, the dative absolute construction εισελθοντι δε αυτω was modified in several ways: (1) into the genitive absolute εισελθοντος δε αυτου (ℵ B C* Z f1 f13 33 399), (2) into the partial genitive absolute εισελθοντι δε αυτου (E* 565), or (3) a reference to Jesus in place of the pronoun with εισελθοντι (δε) τω Ιησου (C3 [L] [Ωmg] 0211). Editors Bover, Greeven, Lachmann, Merk, Soden, Tischendorf (8th), and Vogels followed variant one (1), but Tischendorf (7th) retained the dative absolute that appears in most witnesses (Ec K M N S U [V] W [X] Γ Δ Θ Π Σ Ω 047 0233 f35 461 566 892 1080 1143vid 1424 1500 2224 [V X: omit δε]). As in Matt 8:1 καταβαντι δε αυτω, the alteration of a rare form in favor of the commoner one effected only an artificial improvement of style.